Anyway, in honor of this particular personality trait I am instituting "random question thursdays." When I post on a Thursday, the post title will be a question, to which...
- I will research and attempt to provide an answer with the post,
- I will ask hoping that someone will comment with an answer or link to an answer
- my readers (hello to my few readers! holla!) will find the question interesting to ponder
- the question will spark an interest in my readers to ask others.
Today's question fits into the second, third, or fourth category listed above. Feel free to comment - I won't bite!
If you could only take with you the amount of items that would fit in the trunk of a car, what would they be? (The rest would be gone forever.)
Here's my list (thank god my little Fifi is a hatchback):
- the pets (Jack [cat], Jammer [dog], Rue [cat])
- my grandmother's class ring
- the little, thimble-sized doll my neighbor gave to me and asked me to keep forever
- my laptop (a lot of stuff stored on there!)
- my fire-proof box (includes backup drive with all of my photos, passport, other vital information)
- a change or two of clothes
- my favorite sandals in the world - which I believe have been discontinued
That's all I've got for now, pretty much everything else could be replaced and most of my stuff doesn't have any sentimental value.