- get a library card - DONE
- read at least one new book - DONE
- finish my coffee table project - I made absolutely no progress on this due to the hot, humid weather. I couldn't stain the coffee table out of fear that it would not dry
- prepare the guest bedroom for the "mother-in-law" - DONE
- paint the kitchen - DONE
- plant vegetables and finish my flower beds - DONE. I even went so far as to make new beds and mulch all of the existing beds
- take all of my use-or-lose vacation time - DONE. I have a little time left, but I am not concerned about it
- go to the farmer's market at least three times - DONE
- reorganize my paper files - not even attempted
- find/purchase a bridesmaid dress - DONE. I bought not one, but two dresses that could be worn to the wedding.
All in all, 80% isn't bad. It is above average, a passing grade. Still, there is room for improvemtn. I'll add the two remaining goals to my July list and we'll go from there. I'll be back tomorrow with my goals for July. Now, I'm off to watch The Cleaner and then it is bedtime. I'll have my 40 hours in by Thursday at 12:30 pm. This is proving to be a long and demanding week, despite the fact that I have Thursday afternoon (potentially) and Friday off due to the Fourth of July holiday.