For example, I would like to stop picking at my fingernails when I'm bored/nervous/etc. - that is not what I'm asking. I want to know what habit you want to start and keep going.
The habit I've picked up is exercise. I've been exercising with some semblance of regularity for the past 6 or so months. However, I am not an evening/night person and exercise after work just feels like more damned work to me. With the additional hours going in at my real job, looking at the weights and exercise videos/equipment after I get home and make us dinner is not really tempting at all. Then, I feel guilty for not having worked out. No more.
I've now gone to the gym 7 of the past 8 days and am well on my way to establishing this as a habitual action. Getting up at 4:45 AM is not at all pleasant, but it is a lot better than trying to sneak in a workout after I'm already exhausted. So far so good. I've committed to going to the gym for at least 45 minutes each day Monday through Friday. Weekends are optional. If I do decide to extend my one-month free trial into an actual full-blown membership, I'll be able to go to a closer gym on the weekends free of charge.
In addition to the trial period, I was also able to get a free session with a personal trainer. This was eye-opening for me and I wish I had done this all much sooner. I now have a weekly exercise plan and have come to the realization that I can do this and I can do it without a whole lot of pain.
I feel like my stress levels are more manageable and that I have more energy throughout the day. I'm going to admit that I'm sore, but not so much so that it is affecting my life any more than on an average day before I took on this habit.