![]() | -5 As a 1930s wife, I am |
someone is happy it’s friday
two more days
In the meantime, the satellite guy is coming from DirecTV on Friday to get us all hooked up with a new dish, etc. That is exciting, though we are going to have to manage without HBO for the foreseeable future, given our desire to spend less than we earn. That is a small trade-off, considering we are about to gain a ton of space and privacy.
On the health front, I still have walking pneumonia and an upper respiratory infection - though I am hoping they are on their way out. I plan to work all week, leaving early if I need to, since I still only feel about 50% better. We've got a lot to do this weekend, so I'm hoping that the good health gods smile upon me soon.
Oh, and the roommate also had a gigantic tv that he recently pushed into the entryway alcove because he doesn't have any friends to help him move it out (and he won't ask us...apparently he gets the impression that we don't care).
seven days...
Have a listen to more of their music here: http://www.myspace.com/saverabbit. Also available on iTunes and Amazon.
28 in 28: how did i do?
- paint the living/dining room – pending – paint has been purchased and is ready to go – will do after roommate's departure – see #27
- throw a big party – COMPLETE – did this for Halloween
- read 10 books of my own choosing – COMPLETE (half were about greyhounds, but I chose that topic)
- bake an apple pie from scratch, including the crust – COMPLETE – thought it was a strawberry rhubarb pie instead of apple
- plant that big ol' vegetable garden I keep pining for – COMPLETE – not as large as I’d wanted, but not too shabby either
- finally hang the curtains in the living/dining room – pending – see #27
- take a "family" photo in a snowstorm – FAIL
- get another tattoo (or two) – FAIL
- join a gym - COMPLETE – best decision ever
- whole-heartedly commit to daily exercise (work out at least 4 days a week - no ifs, ands, or buts) – ONGOING – I'm really happy with this goal: feeling much better, not seeing visible results, but living with less pain
- pay off my credit card debt - pending – setbacks and unexpected medical bills threw a wrench in this one, but am getting back on track
- go to Ikea – COMPLETE – went twice, and actually bought stuff the second time
- finish my thesis, get it conferred, shut the book on that damned project – PARTIALLY COMPLETE – all that is left is the defense
- visit Kristen in Door County (before she finds a fabulous new job and leaves) – VOID – she already left for a new job...I have, however visited her in the places she has lived since
- fix the ding in my windshield before it cracks – COMPLETE – actually had to do this twice
- make at least one home-cooked meal each week, regardless of the roommate's whereabouts – COMPLETE – it happened, but not necessarily well
- get new tires for the car – COMPLETE – it was pricey, but I did it before the first snowfall
- visit my nephews and the new baby at least twice – COMPLETE – have seen them three times
- go to some sort of professional development that I actually find useful – COMPLETE – have attended four useful conferences
- cardio – even though I despise it, I will do cardio at least 3 days per week (my cardiologist and my physical therapist will finally be happy) – COMPLETE – reluctantly plugging away at this one, and am doing cardio each day I go to the gym
- complete the landscaping around the perimeter of the house – COMPLETE – expansions will likely occur, but the perimeter is finished
- make a calendar for our family members – it will be funny, the man and I have discussed it for a couple years – COMPLETED – and we've begun a calendar for 2011
- take another college class – PENDING – I am, however, taking a couple community-based short-courses not at college level
- send/give thank-you cards for each gift given – COMPLETED – not including birthday gifts I've just received
- six-pack abs, or something close to that without being too manly – PENDING – not quite a six-pack yet, but definitely closer
- write to my grandmother at least once per month – FAIL – didn't do it every month, but was well over 50%
- make the transition away from having a roommate – FAIL – I’m glad that murderous rampage wasn't on my list, because I surely would have completed it. Roommate is draining my will to live, one day at a time – oh, and he had a mini-nervous breakdown and has guilted the man into not throwing him out just yet. We won’t get into that right now.
- complete three NaBloPoMo month-long blog runs – FAIL – I find this to be nearly impossible, as I like to go weekends without turning on my computer
28 things I did in my 28th year
This isn't my goal list from the past year, but it is a list of accomplishments, which is ultimately better in my opinion, because the word "FAIL" doesn't show up in this one.
- I chopped off all my hair again.
- I got new glasses.
- I created a new ottoman.
- I developed an affinity for New Glarus Totally Naked beer.
- The man and I became official domestic partners (at least official in the eyes of my employer and health ins. company).
- I got a new laptop.
- I finished planting around the perimeter of the house.
- We were "adopted" by a new cat. His name is Chuck Norris.
- I thrifted (or bought at extremely discounted prices) nearly all the items we needed for our “new” house.
- The man and I bought a car – together.
- I had great evenings spent with wonderful friends.
- I created a new coffee table.
- I added a niece to my list of loved ones.
- I said goodbye (for now) to my oldest friend.
- I finally began to see my parents as people, not just parents...people who I would love whether they created me or not.
- I went through a terrifying health scare with the man.
- I made a homemade pie.
- I finished my chair makeover.
- I fell in love with the man all over again.
- I had a no-spend month (moratorium on spending).
- I joined a gym.
- I started wearing heels again.
- I pared down my closet and donated things to charity.
- I threw a big birthday party for the man (he helped).
- I paid off one of my student loans.
- I embraced the fact that I cannot commit to blogging daily without going batshit crazy.
- I learned my “personality type” according to Myers-Briggs.
- I realized that I’m far too young to not be having more fun – hello, 29, we’re going to tear up the town.
birthday cupcake - and it's orange!

It was delicious AND it was the biggest cupcake I've ever seen. She was nice enough to pose it next to a normal-sized cupcake for comparison sake.
another awesome youtube vid
another band i really like
This is their video for the song "Sleepsinging," which I believe is the only real music video they've done, though I could be wrong. I must admit that I'm not so much a fan of the video as of their music.
If you are interested in getting more from The Damnwells, you can find their music on iTunes, but it is actually (and unfortunately) cheaper to get their cds on Amazon (including shipping). Check them out if you like alt-rock/country type music.
who's that knocking? oh yeah, it's the end of my twenties.
I'm career-minded, but not to the point that I'm going to put in 80 hour weeks to climb the corporate ladder - hell, there's a reason I work for a non-profit and it isn't money or power.
I look forward to purchasing a new couch, projects around the house, hanging out with the man for the next 50 or so years. I look forward to my niece and nephews growing up, but I'm in the periphery on that one.
A lot of the people I know have kids, are trying to have kids, want kids, etc. I think I'm struggling with the prospect that my endeavors seem small by comparison. I'm not trying to "make life," I'm trying to make my life into something. I'm nearly 29 and I'm still trying to figure out what that something is. 28 has given me perspective. Now I need direction.
i bought stuff - in may, not recently
You likely have no idea how much it sucks to have all of these new things stacked in the laundry room, waiting for the bane of my existence to finally pack up his shit and leave. Ahem, it has not happened yet, despite indirect and very direct insistence on my part. Unfortunately, when someone has pervaded nearly every area of your property and spewed random objects willy-nilly, it becomes more complicated to "kick" them out.

life list: bask in the amazingness of my domesticity
And this whole anti-spending kick...I'm kicking its ass and taking its name. I've been a goddess of domesticity and spend all of my time doing stuff around the house or going to the gym (more time at home than at the gym because I'm not psychotic, just poor).
My new computer has a memory card slot, so I'm finally able to share with you the fruits of my labor (let's just say that even though I've been cleaning, the connector for the camera is still missing). Anyway, there are a ton of pics I've been wanting to share with you, but have not been able...until now (like how the ellipses keep popping up? just wait, there's more).
Here is something ooey and gooey and delicious that I whipped up using fresh, homegrown rhubarb from my parents' place and farmers' market strawberries.
So now I can cross this off my life list. See that lattice crust? I did that...on my first ever pie from scratch. And it tasted delicious. I could hardly believe it. But then again, why wouldn't I believe it. I was wearing an apron...isn't that the prerequisite for superb baking?
Yes, it is retro...yes it is fabulous. No, I didn't color coordinate the tank top - God did. He was very excited about the pie, I guess.
There is more to come tomorrow.
my precious

Unfortunately, there was a "power glitch" which radiated a high-pitched, incessant beeping noise from the computer when I first powered it up. It took a very nice customer service rep 30 minutes to diagnose and help me fix, but now things are smooth-sailing and I'm really happy.
Funny thing is, Cat Named Jack loved the sound and proceeded to rub his face all over the edge of the laptop, getting very angry when I tried to pry him away (to the point where he bit my upper arm a couple times - not hard, but enough to prove a point). He seemed a bit confused, but not too unhappy when the sound went away.
This moratorium on spending isn't all that bad when you have a new toy to play with. I bought some groceries (necessities) for the man before I left for my parents', but other than that and gasoline, so far so good on the anti-spending month.
july 2010 goal: moratorium on spending
As a result of the monetary shit-storm of the past few months, I've been looking at my personal budget once again and find it even more vital that I pay off my credit cards as soon as humanly possible. I am sick of paying for something that I don’t use and I don’t like having a revolving balance to remind me of the stupidity of my youth. I've decided to impose a moratorium on any and all unnecessary expenditures. Here is my plan.
I’m going to continue to pay my bills as I normally do, including:
- Student/Consolidation loans
- Rent
- Cell phone/Internet
- Credit card
- Auto loan
- Insurance
- Gasoline
- Groceries
- Dining out/Entertainment
- Shopping (haircuts, home improvement, pet stuff, etc.)
This will help me to separate my “needs” from my “wants.” Of course, if some sort of emergency arises, I’ll have to pay for it, but $250 will easily cover the rest. I could really get by with only spending $150, but I need to be realistic and remember that I have already planned a trip to visit my family up north and that I'm required to go to a conference in Denver for work at the end of the month. Luckily, I'll be reimbursed for the conference trip expenses, but I am allowing myself some leeway since I've never been to Denver before and I might as well enjoy the only so-called vacation I'll be taking this year (I'm budgeting $50 for the trip to Denver, not including reimbursable expenses like food and cab fare).
I’ll keep you updated as to my progress throughout the month.
things i did on "vacation"
- weeded the garden
- kept myself from buying more plants
- ate a lot of nachos
- went disc golfing
- hung out with the man - a lot
- watched a few movies
- watched a couple Y&R episodes
- researched new laptops
- picked up the new Jack Johnson cd
- cleaned the garage
- worked from home, despite being on vacation
- had (yet another) conversation with the roommate re: him moving out
- picked up a new (used) pair of shoes
- fixed the curtains in the den
- ate a lot of cheese popcorn
- went to the courthouse
- walked around by the capital
- reconfigured downstairs floor plan on floorplanner.com
- attempted to find lost camera-to-computer cables
- ate Chinese food
- ate a lot of popsicles
- played with the dog (numerous times)
favorite things: 1

I wash it down with Fresca. For some reason, I never get sick of it. Since I can't have caffeine, if I don't feel like drinking water, this is what I turn to.

vacation day 1 - definitely no picnic
days off, yippee!
sad day
the sofa has been chosen
- modern/contemporary
- not overstuffed
- not leather or microfiber
- loose cushions
- back must be high enough to rest head on
- wide arms, but not rolled
- grey-ish in color
- removable cover (preferable)
- and, of course, comfortable
must see: the fall

grow your own
If you are also wanting to help in small ways and make yourself healthier at the same time (planting your own vegetables, using a rain barrel for watering gardens, becoming independent of pesticides, etc.), check out this site (http://growindie.com/):
Whether you are a container gardener or have acres of veg growing on your property, this site will either help you get started or share some new ideas to add to your repertoire. Every small thing we do for our environment helps. It helps us and our Earth and everything that resides here. Tell your friends about what you plan to do; pass along the motivation and ideas to make a difference.
BP, you should be ashamed of yourselves
We are the United States. We can pull off some pretty awesome shit. For example, when there is a problem at a space station and lives are in danger, we rally and get some people up there to fix the problem/save the people lickety-split. Why the hell are we not doing that now? That question has yet to be addressed. I am also upset that Obama is looking for "whose asses to kick" instead of focusing on the major issue of stopping the irreparable damage that is taking place each minute we let the leak keep spewing oil.
This video is so, so sad and sheds light on how ignorant and apathetic BP (as a corporation) is being throughout this whole catastrophe:
How about we fix the problem first. We all know who to point fingers at. Accountability should come in to play after we find a solution.
damn you Josh Groban
tattoo, tat-two?

the perfect shade of grey

my color personality - take the quiz
I just took a color personality quiz (http://www.testcolor.com/). These are my results, which I find quite interesting, yet not scientific. It's a fun way to waste a few minutes of your day.
My Profile :

- You are 53 % extrovert and 47 % introvert.
Independently of any order of importance :
- You are dynamic, your actions are only directed by your own will and you know how to lead people.
- You are also intellectual and intelligent, you wonder and you inquire before taking any action.
- Finally you are creative, you always have new ideas, and your inspiration comes from the inside.
another friend is gone
This is the way I remember Blanche: a quick-thinking, lust-loving, dramatic diva.
Thank you, Rue, for all of the laughter and education you've given me over the years. I was fascinated by your portrayal of Blanche before I knew what any of the double entendres even alluded to, and you've been making me laugh for as long as I can remember.
Good-bye, my dear friend.
random question thursday: it's back and about as good as it ever was

For example, I am pretty good about working on deadlines at work, however, I am sucking at meeting my goals in my personal life. At work, things seem to go rather smoothly (by smooth I mean there are a lot of fires to put out and I can wield my hose like a champ. no double entendre intended). At home, I get to things when I get to them. I take on too many things and often don't finish things I start very quickly unless there is a clear instantly gratifying result. At work I have to do it or I lose my job. At home, not so much.
One thing I'm doing to try to get my ass in gear is going on http://www.joesgoals.com/ and updating my success/failure on a daily basis. Joe's Goals is a goal monitoring site. I feel more accountable when I see a calendar with check marks on it for all the stuff I've accomplished. What can I say, I was the kid in class who really, really viewed that gold star sticker as a major incentive. Also, by putting my goals on this here blog, I feel somewhat more accountable as well. Accountability is the main issue. Also, procrastination...which is an ongoing battle. There are always so many things that I want to do more than the things I'm supposed to be doing. I need to get over that, but that is a topic for another day.
june 2010 goals - aka lay off the lays, work out the working out
I have some pretty lofty goals this month, as I'm gearing up to the big 2-9 at the end of August. They are signficant to me, even though they may seem a bit quotidian to most people, but it is damn hard to avoid the chips and dip and drag my ass to the gym every morning at 4:30AM. And that is my first world, spoiled rant for the day. Here are my goals for June:
- six-pack abs, or at least a little more tone - I'm hitting the gym at least 5x per week and am going to up the cardio a bit. The doc wants to make sure I'm getting enough protein, which brings us to goal #2
- food re-do - I need to start eating more consciously again, which means I need to re-focus on protein. We're doing really well on eating local foods, but the junk food is still an issue
- plant my vegetable garden - depending on finances, this may be more of a container vegetable garden, but we shall see
- get a date on the roommate's departure - like I mentioned yesterday, seems he is "on a break" (really? what are you in high school? or an episode of Friends? who does that?) with his equally lazy-ass girlfriend, so I'm sure he'll start avoiding the moving out topic
That's it for June. Let's see how it goes.
may 2010 goals update
- order glass for console table - fail. this has been lowered on my priority list.
- finish my library book before it is due - complete
- complete ottoman upholstery project - complete
- get car tire repaired - complete
- get car checked out at repair shop (and pray that there is nothing really expensive wrong with it) - complete. this was done with the man's help. I also had to get a tire repaired and my oil changed. May was not a cheap month for the car.
- secure a date that the roommate will move out - "summer" isn't very descriptive (addendum: do not throw roommate's shit out of the house and onto the lawn in a moment of unbridled disgust for his overall disposition, appearance, and slovenliness) -fail. roommate appears to have broken up with his girlfriend over the holiday weekend, also his birthday weekend, which I'm fearing he will use as a tactic to delay his departure. this makes me supremely unhappy and distressed.
- complete expansion of flower bed to encompass new shrub that was planted (photos to come) - complete. done and done again. I actually expanded three flowerbeds and added another in the month of May.
- find a chair for the living room and decide on a sofa to purchase (not to be purchased in May, but category should be narrowed to one or two options) - complete. I found two chairs (which will need a little refurbishing, to be shown in a later post and decided on the sofa we'll be buying after the roommate leaves.
- mail all Mother's Day and birthday cards on time - complete
- finish the piggy bank project for nephew - complete
memorial day weekend

dislocated, then relocated, but not like in witness protection
The grainy cell phone pic shows my gangley, alien hands, so disregard all but the knuckle of the second finger up from the bottom. You ca kind of see that it is swollen, and this is after I had an icepack on it for a while. It isn't too bad, but it throbs, so that isn't very fun.
I honestly never realized how much I use my middle finger (not just for gesturing to get my "point" across in traffic). Here's a brief list of the the "oh shit, that hurts" moments I've had today:
- buttoning clothing (tried this on one button and then completely changed wardrobe to buttonless)
- prying lid off cat food container
- using directional signals (car)
- snapping - worst one yet
- air quotes
- typing
On that lasts note, yes, typing doesn't feel pleasant so I will leave you now.
make the whole world orange
best concert i've ever been to
This video doesn't give you the full effect and the sound quality is shit, but I'm posting it anyway because it was taken by a dude standing right next to me w/ his phone, just to let you see how close we were to the stage:
Unfortunately, dude taking video did not pan to the left to show the cute guitarist we talked to after the show (a very brief hand-shake moment which added to Kristen's sense of euphoria from the sheer delight of seeing the concert).
This is one of my favorite songs of the evening. I honestly hadn't listed to very much of his music before going to the concert, except for a scratched up copy Kristen burned for me. I'm going to have to get onto Amazon to buy some albums now though. Yes, I'm still one of the weird people stuck in the 20th century who likes to have an actual hard-copy of my music.
As for you, I suggest you download some of Butch Walker's music or at least check out some videos on Youtube...make it to a concert if you ever get the chance and you won't be disappointed.
Thanks to Kristen for "dragging" me along.
rumble in the jungle
This is why they are tired:

Their parents will definitely have their hands full when the fight is over the car keys as opposed to which Wii game to play.
may goals and why i suck
- order glass for console table
- finish my library book before it is due
- complete ottoman upholstery project
- get car tire repaired - I already did this, but I did it in May, so it is now a completed goal
- get car checked out at repair shop (and pray that there is nothing really expensive wrong with it)
- secure a date that the roommate will move out - "summer" isn't very descriptive (addendum: do not throw roommate's shit out of the house and onto the lawn in a moment of unbridled disgust for his overall disposition, appearance, and slovenliness)
- complete expansion of flower bed to encompass new shrub that was planted (photos to come)
- find a chair for the living room and decide on a sofa to purchase (not to be purchased in May, but category should be narrowed to one or two options)
- mail all Mother's Day and birthday cards on time
- finish the piggy bank project for nephew
music for action
I've mentioned my commitment to sustainability on this blog earlier. I'm still committed to this issue and if you are as well, here is a very easy way to join the movement and get some great music. Go to http://www.musicforaction.org/ to take action on climate change (contact your legislators) and download the Best of Bonnaroo. Even if you don't share my taste in music, you're bound to find something you like on this album (includes artists like Jack Johnson, Wilco, Death Cab for Cutie, and The Decemberists).
It's definitely worth a couple minutes of your time, and those minutes can make a difference for our planet.
march goals
Here's my list of March goals:
- Cardio and strength train 5 times per week - focus on getting toned for spring/summer
- Complete March NaBloPoMo (national blog posting month) edited: this isn't going to happen this month, obviously, so it has been changed to 2. Complete necessary steps to get the man added to my health insurance benefits.
- Finish current book and read at least one more
- Finish laundry room cabinetry project - will post details soon
- Make the roommate-less zone more livable (meaning, find a new furniture arrangement that makes the rooms feel less crowded) - will be posting about this as well
where have I been, where am I going?
I'm going to be traveling to Michigan this weekend for my niece's baptism. I'm taking the train so I'll get to catch up on some non-work-related reading.
Here's a picture of my niece Kaitlyn. You can see that she must already know I'm coming for a visit, and appears to be too young to realize what awesome presents and treats come with me (either that or she needs to poo).
ringing in the new year with sugar and spite
Here's my update (as I'm now 5 months into this goal listing):
- paint the living/dining room - pending - will do after roommate's departure
- throw a big party - COMPLETE - did this for Halloween
- read 10 books of my own choosing - pending
- bake an apple pie from scratch, including the crust - pending - halfway there
- plant that big ol' vegetable garden I keep pining for - pending - waiting for spring
- finally hang the curtains in the living/dining room - pending - will do after roommate's departure
- take a "family" photo in a snowstorm - pending
- get another tattoo (or two) - pending - already know what I want, this is a reward for thesis completion, so it is on hold for a bit
- join a gym - COMPLETE - best decision ever
- whole-heartedly commit to daily exercise (work out at least 4 days a week - no ifs, ands, or buts) - ONGOING - I'm really happy with this goal: feeling much better, not seeing visible results, but living with less pain
- pay off my credit card debt - pending - working on this, am on target
- go to Ikea - COMPLETE - didn't buy anything, but did a lot of looking and planning
- finish my thesis, get it conferred, shut the book on that damned project - a big fat PENDING on this one
- visit Kristen in Door County (before she finds a fabulous new job and leaves) - VOID - she already left for a fabulous new job...now I need to visit her in West Bend
- fix the ding in my windshield before it cracks - COMPLETE - actually had to do this twice since August
- make at least one home-cooked meal each week, regardless of the roommate's whereabouts - ONGOING - this is going well, though I haven't been too adventurous and we eat a lot of leftovers
- get new tires for the car - COMPLETE - it was pricey, but I did it before the first snowfall
- visit my nephews and the new baby at least twice - COMPLETE - have seen them twice already and will see them again in February
- go to some sort of professional development that I actually find useful - COMPLETE - have attended two useful conferences
- cardio - even though I despise it, I will do cardio at least 3 days per week (my cardiologist and my physical therapist will finally be happy) - ONGOING - reluctantly plugging away at this one, and am doing cardio each day I go to the gym
- complete the landscaping around the perimeter of the house - PENDING - waiting for spring
- make a calendar for our family members - it will be funny, the man and I have discussed it for a couple years - PENDING - we've begun a calendar for 2011
- take another college class - PENDING - I am, however, taking a couple community-based short-courses not at college level
- send/give thank-you cards for each gift given - ONGOING - I've been giving more phone calls than thank-you cards, but it is going alright
- six-pack abs, or something close to that without being too manly - PENDING - not there yet, my resistance of holiday treats was futile
- write to my grandmother at least once per month - ONGOING - this is going alright
- make the transition away from having a roommate - PENDING - this should happen in the summer, though I'm trying to get him to lock down a date
- complete three NaBloPoMo month-long blog runs - PENDING - first will begin in February or March, hopefully when more is happening to write about (it appears that I'm more boring than normal during the winter months)
I do have one resolution for 2010, I guess. I am striving to be more positive and to complain less, to make any self-fulfilling prophesies positive in nature instead of worrying so much that the end result is forced to be negative. It is going to take some time, but I am confident that a much happier and more positive Trish will be the result of 2010.